Pat Conaghan MP

$2.3m to provide critical child care services in Cowper

Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan says the allocation of $2.3m will help improve access to child care and increase workforce participation across the Cowper electorate.

He said 17 services will receive the funding through the Federal Government’s Community Child Care Fund (CCCF).

The funding will help local child care services improve access to quality care across the electorate.

“Itill be good for our local kids, good for our hard-working families and ultimately for our community,” Mr Conaghan said.

“It will also have a positive economic benefit by allowing more local parents to get back into work or to take on additional hours if they chose.

“The funds will support services in areas such as Greenhill, Aldavilla, Frederickton, Urunga, Macksville and Coffs Harbour that may need support to keep operating, or to fund capital projects to improve services and increase the number of places available.”

More than 640 child care services around Australia would share in more than $100 million through the program.

The program also helps services to run initiatives that reduce barriers which may otherwise prevent local kids from accessing care.

The Federal Government is investing around $10 billion in child care this year to support around 1 million families. The Budget delivered further support to reduce the out of pocket costs for parents with multiple children aged under six in care and a commitment to a $2 billion preschool funding agreement for access to early learning for all children in the year before school.

 More information on the Community Child Care Fund can be found on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.

See below for a list of recipients in the Cowper electorate

COFFS HARBOUR        Inner Regional   Caterpillar House Occasional Child Care Association Inc Caterpillar House Occasional Child Care   Community       Centre-based Day Care $163,220

TELEGRAPH POINT      Inner Regional   Klik Industries Pty Ltd    Muddle Top House        Community Centre-based Day Care     $87,000

BOAMBEE EAST          Inner Regional   Hopscotch Boambee Pre-School Pty Ltd Acn 091 366 791           Hopscotch Boambee Preschool      Community, Centre-based Day Care       $193,304

GREENHILL      Inner Regional   5 Star Care Pty Ltd        River Street Early Learning Centre Community    Centre-based Day Care           $20,000

KEMPSEY        Inner Regional   Kempsey Family Day Care Incorporated Kempsey In Home Care Sustainability            InHome Care IHC          $123,976

ALDAVILLA       Inner Regional   Kempsey Family Day Care Incorporated Aldavilla OOSH Vacation Care   Sustainability            Outside School Hours Care        $47,750

FREDERICKTON           Inner Regional   Kempsey Family Day Care Incorporated Frederickton OOSH/Vacation Care            Sustainability    Outside School Hours Care        $96,634

TELEGRAPH POINT      Inner Regional   Klik Industries Pty Ltd    Muddle Top House        Sustainability    Centre based Day Care           $180,000

COFFS HARBOUR        Inner Regional   Coffs Harbour & District Family Day Care Scheme Inc Coffs Harbour and District Family Day Care, Sustainability Family Day Care. $134,704

NAMBUCCA HEADS     Outer Regional Nambucca Valley Children’s Group Inc   Nambucca Valley Family Day Care            Sustainability    Family Day Care            $130,000

SOUTH WEST ROCKS Outer Regional Kempsey Family Day Care Incorporated South West Rocks OOSH Vacation Care     Sustainability    Outside School Hours Care        $187,375

MACKSVILLE    Outer Regional Nambucca Valley Children’s Group Inc   Nambucca Valley OOSH            Sustainability            Outside School Hours Care        $207,520

URUNGA          Outer Regional Ssps Urunga Pty Ltd     Stepping Stones Preschool and Child Care Centre            Sustainability    Centre based Day Care  $200,000

NAMBUCCA HEADS     Outer Regional Teddy Bears Kindergarten Pty Limited    Teddy Bears Kindy        Sustainability            Centre based Day Care  $189,150

BELLINGEN      Outer Regional Open Arms Care Incorporated   OAC Bellingen Out of School Hours Care            Sustainability    Outside School Hours Care        $120,000

URUNGA          Outer Regional Open Arms Care Incorporated   OAC Urunga Out of School Hours Care  Sustainability            Outside School Hours Care        $120,000

URUNGA          Outer Regional Open Arms Care Incorporated   Open Arms Care Inc. Family Day Care    Sustainability            Family Day Care            $129,817

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