The Liberal Nationals Government is investing $296.5 million in regional, rural and remote health in the 2022–23 Budget, to improve access to healthcare for people in country Australia, including those in Cowper.
The Budget measures announced last night will build on earlier initiatives, including the ten-year Stronger Rural Health Strategy (SRRS), to address the challenges of access to health care for regional, rural and remote patients.
The strategy has already delivered significant achievements for regional Australia. Liberal and Nationals Government investments under the SRHS between 2016 and 2021 have:
Minister for Regional Health, Dr David Gillespie, a former regional doctor for more than 30 years, said the health and wellbeing of people living in regional, rural, and remote Australia will always be priority for the Morrison Joyce Government.
“A third of Australians live outside the cities, and this Government is working to ensure they all have access to quality, affordable health care,” Dr Gillespie said.
“We are also absolutely invested in strengthening and supporting the health care workforce in rural communities, through rural medical training and other strategies to attract and retain health professionals.”
Pat Conaghan Federal Member for Cowper said the key areas of regional, rural and remote health investment in the 2022-23 Budget will strengthen the workforce, improve access to diagnostic MRI imaging, mental health support and increase rural training opportunities for more doctors, nurses and allied health professionals.
“Providing access to world class medical and health care training in the regions is critical. If aspiring doctors and health care providers can easily train and study here, they’re more likely to remain in the regions once receiving their qualifications,” Mr Conaghan said.
Regional and rural health workforce
In addition to the many regional programs currently being supported, the Liberal Nationals Government will increase opportunities for rural health and medical training, to strengthen the regional and rural health care workforce and encourage more health professionals to practice in the bush, including:
Improved Access to Diagnostic Imaging
The Liberal Nationals is making MRI scans more affordable and more accessible closer to home by investing $66 million over four years to deregulate and expand Medicare-funded MRI scans in regional, rural and remote areas.
MRI services are critical for diagnosing soft-tissue illnesses and diseases, including cancer. This change begin on Tuesday, 1 November this year and will benefit Modified Monash Model 2–7 areas.
Pat Conaghan Federal Member for Cowper said improving access to critical diagnostic imaging services for more regional and rural Australians was a significant step towards addressing the health care disparity with the cities.
“This change means rural and remote patients will benefit from reduced out-of-pocket costs for MRI scans, accessing world-class services closer to home,” Mr Conaghan said.
“Improving access to MRI through this deregulation measure will reduce pressure on out-of-pocket costs for patients right across Cowper, and the need to travel to access these services.”
Aeromedical and health outreach services
To ensure critical emergency services in rural and remote Australia, the Liberal Nationals Government is investing $55.5 million in aeromedical services, including
Pat Conaghan said these investments in aeromedical services reflected the right of all Australians to access emergency care.
“The people of my electorate are no different to those in major cities. We expect an ambulance to attend during a medical emergency, and in rural and very remote areas we also need to have confidence in aeromedical services, and that’s what we’re providing,” Mr Conaghan said.
“These mobile clinics deliver important diagnostic, treatment and follow-up care in areas such as cardiology, psychiatry, and gynaecology, and will soon have CT and x-ray services,” Dr Gillespie said.
Maternity Services
The Liberal Nationals Government is investing $1.2 million to appoint a Senior Midwifery Advisor to improve the quality of policies and programs implemented as part of Woman-Centred Care: Strategic Directions for Australian Maternity Services.
“The person appointed to this important new role will work closely with the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer and the Rural Health Commissioner, as part of the Morrison Joyce Government’s commitment to improving access to maternity services in rural and remote communities,” Dr Gillespie said.
Support for regional, rural and remote headspace services
The Liberal Nationals Government is also providing $4.2 million to support headspace centres in regional, rural and remote areas to attract and employ GPs, enabling headspace services to deliver the complete model of enhanced primary care.
Additional mental health in regional, rural and remote areas
In addition to the $296.5 million investment, the Liberal Nationals Government is also investing in the mental wellbeing of people in the bush, by delivering mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention services in regional, rural and remote communities, including:
Pat Conaghan said the Liberal Nationals Government’s investments recognised the need for Australians in regional, rural and remote areas to have improved access to mental health and suicide prevention services.
“The past few years have been tough on everyone, but particularly hard for those in Northern NSW with floods and fire significantly impacting our communities, and our government is making further investments to ensure mental health services are available, where and when people need them.”
In addition, the 2022-23 Budget is investing in the following initiatives:
Building on significant achievements
The new workforce measures announced in tonight’s Budget build on the $123 million Health Workforce Reform package, announced in the 2021-22 Budget in support of the Stronger Rural Health Strategy and other recent initiatives and programs that are solely designed to improve rural health.
More than $700 million to continue the Specialist Training Program
“The Liberal Nationals Government is providing $708 million to continue the Specialist Training Program to help get more doctors trained in the specialties regional Australia needs,” Mr Conaghan said.
More than $1.4 billion has been invested in this important program since 2010, which supports training positions outside of traditional metropolitan teaching hospitals. This includes regional, rural and remote areas, and private facilities.
“The extension of the program will mean 920 full-time equivalent places annually, with at least 50 per cent of training to occur in regional, rural and remote locations or private settings,” Dr Gillespie said.
HELP debt Incentive
The Liberal Nationals Government is also boosting incentives to attract privately practicing doctors and nurse practitioners to live and work in rural Australia, through the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), formerly HECS.
The HELP incentive encourages relocation and retention of eligible doctors and nurse practitioners by reducing their outstanding HELP debt.
“The Liberal Nationals Government has consistently shown that we are serious about improving the health care of the 8.5 million Australians who live outside the cities,” Dr Gillespie said.
“By investing heavily in the rural training pipeline and rewarding rural practice, the Liberal Nationals Government is delivering win-win outcomes for regional Australian patients and delivering the most comprehensive rural health package of any modern era government.
“We are continuing to build on our work so far through a multitude of programs and incentives that are having success with getting more doctors and health professionals to the country.
“Unlike Anthony Albanese, I understand, as a former regional doctor, that correcting this long-standing maldistribution issue will take a mix of short, medium and long term solutions, and each of these programs and initiatives is another tool in the toolbox to help even the keel.”
Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training program
In the electorate of Cowper, Charles Sturt University shares in this $200 million a year to operate a Rural Clinical School to provide medical students with training experience in rural and remote settings. This includes funding support for capital works to enhance clinical training facilities, lease student accommodation and employ staff. The school has a focus on rural generalist training and students will be able to undertake their training in Kempsey and Macksville, allowing them to form connections with the community and support the retention of graduates in these two important towns.
“The Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training is important to locations like ours – they boost the local primary care workforce, improve health outcomes in our rural and regional communities, and give students an appreciation of how rewarding it can be to work in the bush,” Mr Conaghan said.
A recent independent evaluation of the RHMT program found that the program was an important contributor to addressing rural health workforce shortages.
“After two decades, there is a strong foundation for rural training and research in rural, remote and regional areas which is now considered routine as a result of this program,” Dr Gillespie said.