Pat Conaghan MP

Clean slate for bushfire victims not far away – Port Macquarie

Joint media release

Residents desiring to have the charred remains of their primary residence or business premise removed free of charge need to contact head clean-up contractor Laing O’Rourke or Service NSW.

Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan said this was a good opportunity for residents, farmers and small business owners to gain a clean slate from which to recover from the recent devastating bushfires.

“Our Coalition Governments are covering the full cost of the clean-up for eligible properties, both insured and uninsured, in New South Wales through a 50-50 funding agreement,” he said.

“We said when establishing the National Bushfire Recovery Agency that wherever possible, local contractors should receive recovery work to help regional businesses get back on their feet.

“Laing O’Rourke is now seeking assistance from local, qualified contractors for this clean-up, so I encourage demolition and clean up companies, plant equipment and traffic management businesses, hygienists and truck operators to express interest in contract work via the NSW Government’s Industry Capability Network portal.”

State Member for Port Macquarie Leslie Williams said all bushfire-affected residents needing help to clean up their property should consider calling.

“Residents need to opt in to the clean-up program and register their property through the Service NSW website or by calling 13 77 88,” he said.

“Importantly, I encourage you to still call even if you have already started cleaning up your property through negotiations with your own insurer.

“The Government will cover the reasonable cost of work already underway or completed, so this cost will not then be deducted from your insurance pay outs, leaving you with more money to rebuild with.

“Company PWA started the initial clean up in some areas last year, so if residents have already provided their property details to PWA, this information will automatically be passed onto Laing O’Rourke.”

To register or for more information visit the Service NSW website here.

Residents can also contact the local Laing O’Rourke team on 1800 007 539 or email

Once residents have registered, Laing 0’Rourke staff will contact them to discuss the damage to their property and assess their eligibility. Residents approve the clean-up scope of works that will be carried out on their property and confirm the completion of the agreed scope of works.

Works can include removing materials destroyed by bushfire and hazardous trees near the destroyed or damaged primary residence or business premise. Removal of known hazardous materials, including asbestos, can also be undertaken.

Media contact:
Mr Conaghan – Liz Spry 0418 928 744
Ms Williams – Terry Sara 0409 834 648

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