Pat Conaghan MP

Cowper MP starts string of mobile offices

A major priority for Cowper MP Pat Conaghan this year is getting out into the electorate to meet with residents so he has booked in 10 mobile offices between now and mid-June.

Mr Conaghan said he understands residents have been dealing with major challenges lately, so he wanted to get out and make it as easy as possible for them to meet with him.

“I understand some residents have been impacted by devastating bushfires and now floods, so I want to hit the road and get out to meet with you,” Mr Conaghan said.

“I had my first mobile office in Nambucca yesterday to coincide with the town’s National Servicemen’s service and I will be holding nine other mobile offices between now and mid-June.

“I hope you will take the opportunity to come and meet with me to discuss any Federal Government services, grants or policies.”

Mobile offices will be held in:

  • Dorrigo on Tuesday 17 March from 11am-5pm
  • Ullong on Wednesday 18 March from 9am-2pm
  • Kempsey on Monday 20 April from 10am-5pm
  • Macksville on Thursday 23 April from 10am-5pm
  • Taylors Arm on Tuesday 28 April from 10am-5pm
  • Urunga on Tuesday 5 May from 10am-3pm
  • Bellingen on Friday 8 May from 10am-3pm
  • Dondingalong on Wednesday 10 June from 10am-3pm
  • South West Rocks on Friday 12 June from 10am-3pm.

To book in a time for these days, please contact Mr Conaghan’s Chief of Staff Matthew Field on (02) 5507 9555. The mobile offices will be advertised in local newspapers before the event and will be listed on Mr Conaghan’s website at  and his social media platforms.

Should you desire for a mobile office to be held in another location in the electorate of Cowper after mid-June, please phone and discuss it with Mr Field.

Residents can of course continue to contact Mr Conaghan anytime at his Coffs Harbour office on (02) 6652 6233 or the Port Macquarie satellite office on (02) 5507 9555. Email communication can also be made to

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