Pat Conaghan MP

Federal Nationals Party supports an industry package for travel agents

The travel industry has been one of the hardest hit industries by the coronavirus due to border closures and in recent weeks Federal Nationals Members have advocated for an industry-specific support package.

Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan has been driving this policy position and has welcomed the support of his Federal Nationals colleagues for the travel industry as it employs about 40,000 Australians.

“Travel agents were one of the first businesses to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic and they will be one of the last to recover being dependent on international borders opening for their business,” he said.

“After meeting with travel agents from my electorate in September and facilitating a zoom meeting with travel representatives from across Nationals and LNP electorates recently, the Nationals Members of Parliament have discussed the industry’s plight and are calling for an industry-specific support package.

“I want the travel industry to know the Nationals have your back and we appreciate 40 per cent of your travel agencies operate in regional and rural Australia and 80 per cent of your workers are women.”

The Australian travel industry is made up of approximately 4,000 businesses and it employs about 40,000 Australians.

Travel agents currently have only domestic tourism products to sell, drastically reduced revenue, no time-frame for the industry to recommence and limited avenues to pivot their business operations to gain new sources of revenue.

According to travel industry group, The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA), agencies have continued to process travel credits and refunds for Australians over the past eight months, despite having to return the commissions earned on these sales, and have been integral in assisting Australian residents to return home from overseas.

Mr Conaghan has met with AFTA CEO Darren Rudd and the Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack in recent days to discuss the potential contents of a potential support package to take to Cabinet.

“There is still $4 billion owed to Australians in refunds from internationally based airlines, hotels and tour operators,” Mr Rudd said.

“Travel agents have successfully secured $6 billion back for their customers already. It’s a process that is complex, frustrating in the current circumstances and time consuming.

“Travel agents are doing this for free while continuing to bear the associated operating costs. Without tailored support, this already financially untenable situation becomes unbearable. If travel agents are forced to close their doors, not only will more jobs go but who will look after those consumers still waiting to get their money back?

“This is why we are so grateful for every bit of support including from so many MPs including Pat Conaghan in raising the desperate need of travel agents and travelling Australians.”

Media Contact:

Liz Spry – 0418 928 744

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